How Do I Prepare My Child for Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation is a valuable service provided by pediatric dental practitioners. Dental anxieties and natural fears can make your child less cooperative. This means that they require care and extra attention during the dental procedure.

While you can control fear and anxiety, some level of sedation may be required to keep your child at ease. Dental anesthesia and sedation help your child cope better with the treatment and prevent injuries arising from uncontrolled movement. Here are simple techniques to prepare your child for pediatric dental sedation in San Antonio.

Make Your Child as Comfortable as Possible

A calm environment can help ensure your child is not overly upset and worried before the procedure. For this reason, it is advisable to ensure your child is as comfortable as possible. You can do this by:

  • Allowing your child to carry an item that makes them find comfort. It could be a toy, a special blanket, or a stuffed animal.
  • Allowing them to wear what they want.
  • Boosting their confidence with words of affirmation.
  • Canceling all plans for the day.

Fast with Your Child

Before coming to the clinic for a dental procedure that may require sedation, your child should not have anything to drink or eat for a few hours. Consoling a child who is not allowed to eat for several hours can be difficult.

An excellent way to ensure your child doesn’t eat is by keeping them away from other kids who are eating. It is also essential to note that a hungry child can be resourceful at getting something to eat, and a sympathetic friend or sister may be tempted to share their food.

Your child will need your attention on the day of the procedure. Another effective way to ensure your child doesn’t eat is fasting with them. This way, they are less likely to complain. It also makes them feel assured that someone is with them during the process.

Unless your San Antonio dentist instructs otherwise, you can ease the hunger by allowing your child to take clear liquids two hours before the sedation.

Be Open and Honest

If your kids know why they must go through the dental procedure, they are more likely to feel at ease. Although trying to protect your child by avoiding the discussion might be tempting, it is not a suitable strategy. Openly explaining the aspects of the procedure and why it is essential can help make your child feel more relaxed.


Children typically model their parents’ behavior. If you are anxious, your child will likely react the same way.

At the Smiles of Bulverde, we have what it takes to offer quality dentistry services for younger patients. We will ease dental anxiety to ensure your child feels more relaxed during the procedure. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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