Dental Bridges in San Antonio, TX

Are you struggling with missing teeth and looking for a permanent solution? Look no further; dental bridges are the answer. A dental bridge is a custom-made false tooth (or teeth) that is placed between two healthy teeth to fill in the area left by a missing tooth. The bridge is held in place by two dental crowns cemented onto each of the abutment teeth. Crafted from strong, durable materials, dental bridges mimic the function and appearance of natural teeth, restoring your smile and your confidence. With a dental bridge, you can enjoy the foods you love, speak clearly, and smile without hesitation.

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Dental Bridges in San Antonio | Smiles Of Bulverde

Why Should I Get a Dental Bridge?

If you're missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge is a great way to restore your smile and maintain the shape of your face. Missing teeth can make eating and speaking difficult, and over time, can lead to other oral health issues. A dental bridge can prevent these problems by restoring the functionality of your teeth and preventing remaining teeth from shifting out of place. Additionally, a dental bridge can provide a significant boost to your self-esteem by improving the appearance of your smile.

Dental Bridges in San Antonio | Smiles Of Bulverde

Did you know…

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Dental bridges can last 5 to 15 years and even longer with good oral hygiene and regular checkups.

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The Benefits Of Dental Bridges

Restores Functionality

One of the most significant benefits of a dental bridge is that it restores the functionality of your teeth. With a dental bridge, you can eat, speak, and chew as you did before you lost your teeth. It fills the gap left by missing teeth, preventing other teeth from shifting out of alignment and causing further problems.

Enhances Aesthetics

A dental bridge not only improves your oral function but also enhances the aesthetics of your smile. It is custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, making your smile complete and attractive. With a dental bridge, you can smile with confidence again.

Long-lasting Solution

Dental bridges are a long-lasting solution to missing teeth. Made from durable materials, they can last many years with proper care. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can extend the lifespan of your dental bridge, making it a cost-effective solution.

The Dental Bridge Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation and Preparation

The first step in getting a dental bridge is an initial consultation with your dentist. During this visit, your dentist will examine your teeth and determine if a dental bridge is the right solution for you. If a dental bridge is deemed appropriate, your dentist will prepare the abutment teeth for crowns by reshaping them to allow room for the crowns that will hold the bridge in place.

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Impressions and Temporary Bridge

After the abutment teeth are prepared, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create a model for the dental lab to construct your bridge. While waiting for your permanent bridge to be made, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect your prepared teeth.

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Placement of Permanent Bridge

Once your permanent bridge is ready, you'll return to the dentist's office for the final placement. Your dentist will remove the temporary bridge and check the fit of the permanent one, making adjustments as necessary. Once the fit is perfect, the bridge is cemented into place, restoring your smile and oral function.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The process generally involves two or more visits. First, the dentist prepares the abutment teeth by reshaping them to fit the crowns. Then, an impression is taken to create the bridge. A temporary bridge may be placed while the permanent one is being made. Once ready, the permanent bridge is fitted and adjusted for comfort and function.

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